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Precautions for the use of headset speakers
 Jul 22, 2017|View:1418

The use of headset speakers brings us some private space. In many cases, we listen to the song with the headset speaker, which is our own independent space. The headset is relatively clear and the sound quality is high. When using the headset speakers, there are some precautions to pay attention to maintain the headset speakers.

1. Do not pull hard pull when using the headset horn, and put it lightly.

2. Try not to use headphones in the rain, so that acidic substances in the rain may cause the headset cable prematurely and even damage.

3. For walking, cycling and other campaigns, you can wear ordinary earphones. Remember to get an earbuds on the earplugs to prevent the earphones from aging. It is also good for the ears, and the headset can be cleaned.

4. After using the headset speakers, you cannot "roll" on the portable. You should put it in a box or a bag with the headset. If it is a headset, you can use a CD -size bag to store it, so that to a certain extent, the shell of the headset can be prevented from being scraped. It is best to put some desiccant to prevent the aging of rubber.

5. Fully use the attachments with the headset speakers, such as the roller, and some headphones are very long (3 meters). When you do not need to use a long line, you can roll the headset with a roller.

The service life of the headset speakers has a lot to do with the usual habits. If you are not used properly, it will naturally affect the service life of the headset speaker. Therefore, the headset speakers should also be maintained. You can avoid these operations according to the above precautions, so that the life of the headset speakers can be higher.


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