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Which vehicles are the special car alarm used?
 Sep 10, 2018|View:2083

Since it is special car alarm, it is not used by ordinary household vehicles, so we must understand which vehicle alarm used on the special vehicle alarm is used, so we must first understand which special vehicles are.

Special vehicles refer to the total size and weight of the vehicle different from the special use vehicles of ordinary vehicles. After special modification, it is equipped with a fixed device. The main function is not a transport or manned motor vehicle.

Special vehicles usually refer to vehicles such as traction, maintenance, cleaning, cleaning, lifting, loading and unloading, lifting, mixing, mining, and soil. Therefore, fixed equipment such as professional monitoring, fire protection, cleaning, medical treatment, TV in the vehicle is generally installed in the vehicle. , Radar, X-ray inspection and other equipment. It also refers to a representative special vehicle such as dump trucks, cleaning vehicles, cement vehicles, road clearance vehicles, fracturing cars, concrete pump trucks and other representative vehicles.

These types of vehicles above are special vehicles. The alarm used on these vehicle types is generally used by special vehicle alarms, which also shows the scope of the use of special vehicle alarms.


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